UE5 Build C++ Project / Compile Manually | Compile Project via Visual Studio

Learn how to compile a project using Visual Studio. It is very useful when you got a error message that tells you compile manually when opening a project. I will teach you the really easy method.

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Get Started!

#0 - Install Visual Studio 2022 (or 2019)


#1 - Right Click “.uproject”, then “Generate Visual Studio project files”

#2 - Wait until it finished

#3 - Double click “.sln”, choose Visual Studio 2022 to open

#4 - In right panel, you should see “Solution Explorer”

#5 - Under “Games” folder, you should see your Project Name

#6 - Right Click it and “Set as Startup Project”

#7 - Then right click it again, and choose “Build” (Or shortcut key Crtl + B)

#8 - It will start to Build(Compile) in Visual Studio

#9 - Wait & Done


#1 - Target Platform Error

Go to Unreal Engine forum, there is a detail step to guide you. 


Open .uplugin file in Notepad, delete the useless Target Platform

In UE4 it should look like:

			"WhitelistPlatforms": [


In UE5 it should look like:

			"PlatformAllowList": [



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